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If we try to measure time, spent by software engineers discussing current application architectures and inventing new ones, we’d need to come up with a new measurement unit “man-eon”. Mobile applications and iOS/Swift per se didn’t become an exception. We’ve got dozens of popular architectures and thousands of relatively unknown, used in the small cubicles all over the world. Just to name a few:
And so on, and so forth.
So, I’ve decided to showcase my approach, which I’m using in relatively small applications. I didn’t come up with some fancy name, probably it’s still MVVM or one of its offsprings, but done with respect to the first principles (I suppose).
Main features of suggested approach:
First, let’s outline basic concepts.
If you can’t spend man-eon of time for discussing and need somebody to get things done – just book a call with us.
With all that stuff in mind, let’s try to assemble a simple application for DomainsDB search. I’ve chosen this API as an example because it’s simple, and can be used without unnecessary trivial stuff like obtaining the keys. This API has a single endpoint: https://api.domainsdb.info/search?query=XXX
and replies with following JSON:
"total": 11906,
"time": 152,
"domains": [
"hasWhois": 0,
"country": null,
"NS": "ns1.parkingcrew.net,ns2.parkingcrew.net",
"domain": "med-med-buy.com",
"expiry_date": null,
"create_date": null,
"update_date": "2018-01-11T05:29:12.517Z",
"isDead": false
// ...
If you need the full source of application, you can get it from GitHub.
First of all, we’ll need to add dependencies. I’m using Cocoapods, and you can investigate Podfile in our repository to get an idea, what we’ll need.
Now, let’s create a UI, it’s dead simple: UISearchBar
on the top, and UITableView
occupying the rest of our scene. Put in place all required constraints and create outlets for these two objects so that we can use them in our view controller. Additionally, I’ve added an UIView
with UILabel
in the center to show messages to the user (mainly they’re to showcase additional RxCocoa
concepts). They will require outlets too.
On to the next step: value objects to store information, received from API (aka “The Model”). Swift 4 introduced great new Decodable
protocol, which will help us with JSON parsing. Information about domain names we’d like to get is limited so that this struct will be simple.
struct Domain: Decodable { enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case name = "domain" case updated = "update_date" } let name: String let updated: String } struct Domains: Decodable { let domains: [Domain]
For Domain
class we’ll need to define CodingKeys
, the rest compiler will do for us automatically.
To fetch data from the net, we’ll need a particular class that accepts parameters, retrieve data, and wraps it into our value types, using their conformance to Decodable
. But first, let’s think a little bit about testing. Most probably, in the tests we’d like to avoid real network requests, so we’ll want to substitute this class with some mock. To simplify it, we’ll introduce protocol, and all classes, depending on our network layer will depend on protocol, not on its specific implementation (do you feel that cool breath of Dependency Inversion Principle?). BTW, I’ve saved myself a bit of time and moved dealing with boilerplate code to RxAlamofire
protocol NetworkManager {
var isLoading: Observable { get }
func makeRequest(method: HTTPMethod, url: URLConvertible, params: Parameters) -> Observable
Naturally, I want my network code to deal with additional routines like showing network indicator, so we’re exposing handy isLoading observable. But let’s look at the specific implementation.
Probably, someday, Swift will allow us to have stored properties in protocol extensions, and finally, we’ll be able to use the full power of partially implemented abstractions, but even now, this approach is a mighty way of code de-duplication.
But let’s look at the specific implementation.
struct AfNetworkManager: NetworkManager {
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private let activity = PublishSubject()
let isLoading: Observable
init(bindNetworkActivityIndicator: Bool = true) {
self.isLoading = activity.asObservable()
.share(replay: 1)
if bindNetworkActivityIndicator {
isLoading.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: false)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
func makeRequest(method: HTTPMethod, url: URLConvertible, params: Parameters) -> Observable {
return request(method, url, parameters: params)
.validate(statusCode: 200.. Model? in
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(Model.self, from: data)
.catchError { [activity] error in
print("!!! We've got an error \(error.localizedDescription)")
return Observable.just(nil)
Due to active usage of RxSwift, the complex asynchronous code looks nice and declarative:
As you probably see, error handling is simplified here, in a real application we’d have to either use some enum to separate success from failure or propagate the error to a higher level of code for correct handling. In our case, we’ll return nil
to indicate failing requests.
As an additional level of service, we’re automatically binding our isLoading
to UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible
, but we’re leaving possibility to disable that functionality if some or AfNetworkManager
users will need that.
Next step is to implement the specific class to perform a search. In our case it will serve us as a view model. Here we’ll also use DIP and introduce the protocol.
struct SearchParameters {
let request: String
protocol SearchViewModel {
init(networkManager: NetworkManager, parameters: Observable)
var results: Observable { get }
var isActive: Observable { get }
Few necessary notes. We’ll need the proper class to wrap parameters, passed to our model. Usually, we’ll need to get some user input, and based on it, perform some actions. That’s the purpose of that class, in this particular case it has just one field with request query, but usually, there will be more parameters.
Our search model protocol defines the constructor with two parameters: an instance of a class, implementing NetworkManager protocol and observable with parameters. As parameters tend to change with time, our model has to respond to them. Model exposes two observables, first will return necessary data, if it’s present, second will help us to track model’s activity, to show some progress indicator to the user.
Let’s take a look at model’s code.
struct DomainerSearchViewModel: SearchViewModel {
private static let url = "https://api.domainsdb.info/search"
private let manager: NetworkManager
private let params: Observable
private let activity = PublishSubject()
let results: Observable
let isActive: Observable
init(networkManager: NetworkManager, parameters: Observable) {
self.manager = networkManager
self.params = parameters
self.results = params
.do(onNext: { [weak activity] _ in
.flatMapLatest { [manager] params -> Observable in
guard !params.request.isEmpty else {
return Observable.just(nil)
let qryParams = ["query": params.request]
return manager.makeRequest(method: .get, url: DomainerSearchViewModel.url, params: qryParams)
.map { data in
return data?.domains ?? []
.do(onNext: { [weak activity] _ in
.share(replay: 1)
self.isActive = activity.asObservable()
.share(replay: 1)
Once again, RxSwift
helps us to make it simple and easy to understand. We’re subscribing to the changes in our parameters, translate them to requests to API, and just return them. Note, how we’re handling our isActive
state, and transform our sequence to the observable at the end.
Finally, we’ve come to the final assembly. Let’s try to lift off with all that stuff. We’ll start pre-flight checks with variables definition.
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private lazy var parametersObservable: Observable = {
return searchBar.rx.text
.debounce(0.3, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.map { SearchParameters(request: $0) }
.share(replay: 1)
private lazy var model: SearchViewModel = DomainerSearchViewModel(networkManager: AfNetworkManager(),
parameters: self.parametersObservable)
private lazy var modelActive: Driver = self.model.isActive.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: false)
private lazy var gotResults: Driver = self.model.results.map { !$0.isEmpty }.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: false)
I suppose disposeBag
and model
don’t require additional explanations. modelActive
and gotResults
are two convenience drivers, we’re using to control our UI. parametersObservable
in this case is pretty straightforward. If we have more input parameters, we’d have to use Observable.combineLatest
to join them together. If we’d need some complex validation or actions like parameters storage, we’d introduce the additional class. But in this case, for the sake of simplicity, we’ll debounce input, filter it and wrap in a required class. Now, we’re ready to make final bindings. I usually do that in viewDidLoad
Our data goes directly to UITableView
, using RxCocoa
default binding.
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])
.drive(resultsTable.rx.items) { (tableView, _, element) in
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "TableCell")!
cell.textLabel?.text = element.name
cell.detailTextLabel?.text = element.updated
return cell
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Now, we’d like to show some kind of HUD, so the user will be aware, that our app is working, instead of idly waiting for battery discharge.
.drive(onNext: { state in
if state {
} else {
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Next step is optional, let’s pretend we’d like to block user interaction until we’re not done with the request. RxCocoa
will quickly help us.
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
By the way, if we’ll skip the previous step, our app will continue to work pretty nicely. If user change input while current request is still in progress, flatMapLatest
in our observable will trigger a new request, ignoring previous one, so we’ll be sure that only final result will be shown.
Now, the final touch, showing messages to the user in case we’ve got no results or no input provided.
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Driver.combineLatest(gotResults, searchBar.rx.text.orEmpty.asDriver())
.filter { !$0.0 }
.map { $0.1.isEmpty ? "Please, search something" : "No result for this request" }
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
First binding merely shows (or hides) our view with a message. The second one is a bit more complex, as it requires knowledge of two facts: do we have data at all, and was input query specified. We’re casting our searchBar
text to driver, so we can combine it with parametersObservable
using combineLatest
, and after a few simple transformations and filtering, we can bind results to our label.
Now, we’ll add some tests to serve as a cherry on top of our cake. First, let’s implement mock NetworkManager
which simply returns necessary JSON.
class MockNetworkManager: NetworkManager {
let isLoading: Observable = Observable.never()
private let mockData: Data
init(stubName: String) {
let url = Bundle(for: MockNetworkManager.self).url(forResource: stubName, withExtension: "json")!
self.mockData = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
func makeRequest(method: HTTPMethod, url: URLConvertible, params: Parameters) -> Observable {
let parsed = try! JSONDecoder().decode(Result.self, from: self.mockData)
return Observable.just(parsed)
If necessary, we can capture request parameters, if we’d like to test if our view model makes correct requests, but in this test I’ve decided to skip that part to make everything simpler.
Now, we can form instance of view model with our mock.
private var stubModel: DomainerSearchViewModel {
let manager = MockNetworkManager(stubName: "SearchStub")
let params = Observable.just(SearchParameters(request: "Med"))
return DomainerSearchViewModel(networkManager: manager, parameters: params)
We’re ready to test “normal flow” of our code.
func testParsing() {
let result = try! stubModel.results.toBlocking().single()
XCTAssertEqual(result.count, 50)
let sample = result.first!
XCTAssertEqual(sample.name, "med-med-buy.com")
XCTAssertEqual(sample.updated, "2018-01-11T05:29:12.517Z")
As you can see, observables are easily testable, using RxBlocking
Obviously, we can use “direct flow” to test observables too: just subscribe and capture results for further validation. But in this case we’ll need proper synchronization blocking to be put in place.
func testActivity() {
var result: [Bool] = []
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
let model = stubModel
.subscribe(onNext: { state in
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
_ = try! model.results.toBlocking().single()
XCTAssertEqual(result, [true, false])
Let’s summarize. Our view controller is still working with necessary presentation logic, but anything besides that is moved to other classes. We can easily extend this schema, introducing additional classes with RxSwift
working as glue. In next article, I’ll show yet another “home brew” solution — coordinator for app navigation.