SSAI Solutions_

Boost reach and engagement with server side dynamic ad insertion (SSAI); creating a TV-like experience across every screen.

Server-side Ad Insertion (SSAI) is a new way of delivering video ads on a content platform. It stitches the ads into the CTV stream. The beauty of this approach is that you deliver an ad that cannot be skipped, doesn’t depend on a player’s support (like in a regular TV), and is customized for the audience like using programmatic bidding.

We provide all parts of the SSAI advertising solution: cue point detection (where an ad should be inserted), ad insertion, ad or text overlays, mixing video-on-demand with the live streaming to create a channel for the content providers, and infrastructure setup for the optimal content delivery.

Server-Side Ad Insertion Process

  • Product Design
    In workshops with your marketing and product teams we identify the key features and your target market for these features. For instance, you may decide that you would like to go only after in-video placements (overlays) or you’d rather go with the standard 30-second TV ads. Another important consideration is the source of content you monetize.
  • POC development
    Working with video is subject to certain technical risks and nuances. The main ones are: the variety of encoding in the incoming data streams that we should monetize, and the variety and quality of the ads we pull from a DSP.

    During the POC phase we also estimate the infrastructure costs and plan the deployment.

    At the moment, all major clouds – Azure, GCP, AWS – are offering GPU instances and are suitable for this kind of platform.
  • Full-scale development
    At this stage we engage the full team that delivers the complete experience for all the parties: starting from the content provider onboarding to channel programming, demand configuration, and actual deployment of the final solution.
  • Support
    A large and complex solution like an SSAI (server side ad insertion) platform requires continuous monitoring and on-call support that could fix any issues quickly. Issues come from unexpected places: strange incoming data feed could break the output streams of the channels using it at the moment; an ad server may return some garbage that would take too long to plug into a real-time stream, so the output gets delayed or audio goes out of sync.
  • On-going development
    A successful project is never finished. So we also offer the same phases on a continuous basis with a reduced team to keep advancing the platform and letting you win more video monetization business.

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